November Highlights: Ideal Spaces Launches Insightful Podcasts, Symposium Series, and Interactive Social Media Content
In our announced series of podcasts, we continued with Thomas Kolbe, about the world from a liberal point of view; and with Molly Slavin, Clark Atlanta University/Georgia, about crime and the neoliberal city. https://www.idealspaces.org/podcasts-and-interviews/
Symposium on the Neoliberal Agenda
Our first episode has been brought up on our website, as an introduction to the crucial theme of the neoliberal agenda and its effects on society. The first episode included presentations from Wendy Brown, Berkeley University/California; George Monbiot, The Guardian newspaper; and Dieter Plehwe, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. There will be 6 episodes, the next 5 episodes will be released through the end of November. https://www.idealspaces.org/projects/
Social Media
On Facebook and Instagram, we continued our series on cultures with Morocco and Thailand. We also started with new formats, namely the History of Ideas and our new interface, presenting relevant topics of today open for discussion. This interface is in our on Facebook Ideal Spaces Group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/820082393600717, and these ideas are part of it – please discuss.
Photo by U. Gehmann, The End of Modernity. Athens