
Our intention is to break down certain relationships, at least metaphorically, such as between the camera, film, projector and screen, when we explore computational image and world creation. We hope to create, edit and embed procedural and/or algorithmic processes, and to explore how artistic intent can be organized and constructed in a mind wandering “machine”, in order to secure a desirable yet surprising outcome, mixing the possibilities presented by digital media objects with manual editing, tweaking and artistic craftsmanship.

Research question/intention/concept

How can we gain a better understanding of the process of imagination through a phenomenological and therefore “artistic” approach in relation to the concepts of mind wandering? How can mind wandering activity be used for artistic and computational exploration of themes and topics of interest? Can it ultimately create images of environments, objects and people that may have existed in the world, and with narratives that never actually occurred?

The Wandering Machine generated image number 104 with three iterations.  2020, M. Johansson, A. Siess

Project link


Michael johansson & Andi Siess

References external

  • M.Johansson, A,Seiss.
  • M. McCullough.. Abstracting craft : the practiced digital hand. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press. 1996
  • P. Murphy, M  A. Peters, and S Marginson, Imagination: Three Models of Imagination in the Age of the Knowledge Economy (New York: PeterLang, 2010), 26–29.
  • M. Mori, The uncanny valley. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine Vol. 2, 2012
  • D. D Preiss, et al. Creativity and the Wandering Mind : Spontaneous and Controlled Cognition. Explorations in Creativity Research Ser. San Diego, Elsevier Science & Technology,:  2020
  • J, Redström, Certain Uncertainties and the Design of Design Education. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation 6(1): 83-100. 2020
  • M. Tansey Language wheel